Welcome to the Special iManifold-Using HVAC Contractor Bid Page.
We appreciate you utilizing our iManifold equipment while working on HVAC/R systems, and we would like to present you with access to bid opportunities in the field of HVAC/R.
If you are interested in responding to any of the bids listed, please go directly to the bid source. We spend a lot of time and money gathering these leads from government and state bid sources, and hope some of them might lead to work for you.
However, we cannot answer any specific questions regarding any of these bids, since we merely came across them in our research, and you will have to contact the bidding entity for any more information, or your own company’s registration with the appropriate agency if needed. We hope this is helpful information: let us know if it leads to some additional work for your company that you may not have known about without this page!
Best regards,
Lori & the iManifold Team